The Witcher 3 - Modding Guide


This is a guide on how to improve The Witcher 3 using mods.

This guide contains more than a hundred mods. Because of this, I divided it up into smaller sections. Most of the sections work fine by themselves, so you don't need to commit to following the entire guide; just pick and choose the parts you want.

Modding Tools

Currently, there is no mod manager that can adequately manage The Witcher 3. I am working on a solution to this problem, but it is not ready for release yet. For now, I recommend installing mods manually.

Normally, most users will need to learn how to use Script Merger. However, if you follow this guide exactly, you won't actually need it, because everything you need to merge can be downloaded.

What to Download

I listed the names of every file I used under each mod link. Some mods might have newer versions available. Most of the time, it is safe to grab the newest version.

Quality vs. Performance

Whenever a mod is available in multiple sizes (4k, 2k, etc.), I always just list the largest option. It is up to you to know how powerful your computer is and respond accordingly.

Load Order

The sections are intended to be installed in order they appear below. Within a section, the mods are also intended to be installed in the same order they appear. When two mods conflict, the one that wins is the one with a name that comes first in alphabetical order. For example, "modA" has a higher priority than "modB".

Witcher 3 - Enhanced Edition

This guide uses a mod called "Witcher 3 - Enhanced Edition". W3EE is a complete gameplay overhaul that has a lot of other mods already included inside of it. This document shows what is included, what is compatible, and what is incompatible. The included mods are not listed in this guide. Therefore, if you choose not to use W3EE, you should still check out the document and download the user interface mods individually ("All Quest Objectives On Map","Friendly HUD","Immersive Cam", etc.).


  1. Dangerous Mods (do not download)
  2. Bug Fixes
  3. Base Models & Textures
  4. Grass & Trees
  5. Signs & Effects
  6. Weather & Lighting
  7. Animals & Monsters
  8. Weapons & Armor
  9. Geralt & NPCs
  10. Cards & Paintings
  11. W3EE & Aefderaedd




  1. Installed everything following your order, now when compiling scripts , it shows next errors:

    Error [mod00008_aefderaedd]game\npc\ 'isActive' is not a member of '&SWeatherBonus'
    Error [modw3ee]local\w3ee - ability 'isActive' is not a member of '&SWeatherBonus'
    Error [modw3ee]local\w3ee - ability 'isActive' is not a member of '&SWeatherBonus'
    Error [modw3ee]local\w3ee - ability 'isActive' is not a member of '&SWeatherBonus'
    Error [modw3ee]local\w3ee - ability 'isActive' is not a member of '&SWeatherBonus'
    Error [modw3ee]local\w3ee - scaling I dont know any 'EWE_Fog'
    Error [modw3ee]game\gui\popups\ 'addedBonusHerbs' is not a member of '&handle:W3Container'
    Error [modw3ee]game\gui\popups\ 'addedBonusHerbs' is not a member of '&handle:W3Container'

    Warning [modbettericons2020_english_original_w3ee]game\mod\ Native function 'GetItemIconPathByUniqueID' was not exported from class 'HUDefaultIcons' in C++ code.

    No clue how to fix this.
